
Adenoid Enlargement

The adenoid tissue is located at the back of your nose and is a part of your immune system which helps fight infection and protects your body from bacteria and viruses. It starts to grow from birth and reaches maximum size at age three to five years. By late teens it is barely visible because it is not an essential part of the body’s immune system any more.

What is an adenoidectomy?

An adenoidectomy is a minor procedure to remove the adenoid and it will not put your child at greater risk of developing infection. The body’s immune system is perfectly able to cope with bacteria and viruses without the adenoid tissue.

How are the adenoids removed?

Adenoidectomies are normally carried out 15-30 minutes under general anesthesia, so your child will be asleep during the procedure and will not feel any pain.Your child will usually only need to stay in hospital for a couple hours. The adenoidectomy performed by the newest technology  is either by “microdebrider, curette or laser”.

When is adenoidectomy necessary?

Enlarged adenoid for most children will only cause mild discomfort and will not require any specific treatment. However, for some children, swollen or enlarged adenoids can cause severe discomfort and start to interfere with their daily life by blocking nasal airway, maintaining recurrent infections and causing hearing loss.

– Breathing problems

The nasal blockage could be that severe to disturb your child’s everyday life, interfering with feeding, increasing the risk

for tooth decays o

r cavity due to severe mouth breathing. In addition to these, your child is susceptible to catch more nasal infection. The disturbed overnight sleeping

will eventually lead towards a negative setback to your child’s development.

– Glue ear

The enlarged adenoid is also able to press on the entrance of the Eustachian tubes, which function is to connect the ear to the back of the nose to maintain air pressure and help drain away any fluid that builds up in the middle ear. When these tubes are blocked, fluids buildups which will change overtime and thicken. Like glue causing sounds coming into the ear to be muffled. If your child cannot hear sounds clearly, it may affect their learning, development and social interaction. It is therefore important that glue ear is diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.

Risks of an adenoidectomy

An adenoidectomy is a low-risk procedure that rarely causes any complications. It is a relatively common operation that is quick and easy to carry out. The possible problems are outlined below.

Bleeding: In a very small number of cases, the ENT surgeon may need more time to stop the bleeding with special tampon which will be placed for the nose overnight. This kind of heavy bleeding is very rare.

Infection: All surgery carries the risk of infection. The tissue in the area where the adenoids were removed may become infected and showing as a purulent smelly nasal discharge from the nose.


Dr Levente is an expert in the nasal surgical field.  Completed his Rhinoplasty training program in Chicago, Milano and London. Member of European Academy of Facial Plastic  Surgery and Royal Collage of Surgeon. Licensed under GMC (UK), DHA, DHCC (UAE) . International known speaker for nasal shape and function sessions.  Performing only nasal surgeries on a daily basis. His premise “Since all of us are unique, each nose needs to be tailored to its individual features“

Dr Levente is committed to make the The Right Nose which best to suits to your face.

About dr. Levente


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